Dedicated To Delivering Accountability, Maximizing Compensation And Facilitating Your Recovery

Montgomery County Medical Malpractice Lawyer

We trust our doctors and nurses to take care of us. But sometimes, they make mistakes that can make things worse or even lead to death. If a medical provider’s actions or lack of action have caused you harm, you might face a long recovery with unexpected medical bills. You might even need more surgery or endure the loss of a loved one.

At Peter Angelos Law, we’ve been helping people in Maryland since 1961, winning many medical malpractice cases. If you suffered from a medical provider’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay for the resulting medical bills and other damages. You deserve compensation for your pain and suffering. You need an experienced medical malpractice lawyer dedicated to your case.

What Is Medical Malpractice In Montgomery County, Maryland?

Unfortunately, Franklin Square Hospital is frequently cited in medical malpractice claims in Montgomery County. All medical providers owe a duty of care to their patients. This means they should act like a reasonable medical provider in the same situation. If they don’t follow the standards of practice or treat you properly, they may have acted negligently, which is considered medical malpractice.

Our lawyers can investigate your case to see if someone breached their duty of care to you or a loved one. Victims or family members can recover the damages if they’ve suffered because of their actions.

Common Medical Malpractice Injuries In Maryland

Over the past 60 years, we’ve won many medical malpractice lawsuits. Here are some common types of cases we see:

  • Emergency room errors: Emergency rooms are often understaffed and chaotic, leading to patients not getting the care they need in time. It can make your condition worse and cause unnecessary pain and suffering.
  • Failed and delayed diagnosis: Doctors should be able to identify your symptoms and diagnose your condition accurately.
  • Birth injuries: There are many ways a doctor or midwife can harm newborns and mothers such as failing to perform a C-section in time, not advancing labor properly or causing damage during a C-section.
  • Surgical errors: Even a small mistake during surgery can lead to serious problems.
  • Medical record errors: Your medical records should be up to date with all your treatments and diagnoses. This helps prevent mistakes such as double-dosing medication or giving you something you’re allergic to.
  • Anesthesia errors: Sometimes, patients are not properly anesthetized during surgery, which can lead to complications.
  • Prescription medication errors: Doctors should know how medications interact and how they might affect you based on your medical history. They should explain all known risks and side effects before prescribing medication.
  • Failure to inform patients of risks: Your health care provider must inform you of all known risks and side effects before performing a procedure and obtain your consent before treatment.

Some victims may experience more than one of these examples.

Choosing A Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Montgomery County

These cases are often complex and require a knowledgeable attorney. Your lawyer should understand the medical industry, have access to expert witnesses and know the legal issues unique to these claims. They should also have a successful track record with similar cases.

Statute Of Limitations For Medical Malpractice Claims In Maryland

In Maryland, you have a limited time to file a medical malpractice claim. Most people have three years from the date of the injury. If the injury wasn’t immediately apparent, you might have up to five years from the date of the injury or three years from when you discovered it. However, this is rare. It’s best to consult a lawyer as soon as possible if you have a claim.

Who Can You Sue For Medical Malpractice In Montgomery County?

You can bring a medical malpractice suit against any medical provider who owes you a duty of care, including hospitals, nursing home staff, anesthesiologists, aides, health care companies, doctors, nurses, technicians and other medical professionals.

Damages In A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

Victims of medical malpractice can suffer physical and emotional damages. While money can’t erase your pain, it can help you avoid financial hardship. Your lawyer will try to ensure that both your economic and noneconomic damages are included in your settlement:

  • Economic damages: These have a clear cost such as medical bills and lost wages. You can claim past and future medical expenses, therapy, rehabilitation and at-home care.
  • Noneconomic damages: These cover things such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Your lawyer will fight to ensure you’re fully compensated for all damages.

Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Due To Medical Malpractice

In tragic cases, medical malpractice can lead to wrongful death. The victim’s family may be able to seek compensation for their loss, including support, grief and trauma. If the deceased named a personal representative, they can bring an estate action to claim for pain and suffering, medical bills, and funeral expenses.

To file a medical malpractice claim, you must follow strict legal procedures:

  • Submit a claim to the director of Maryland Health Claims
  • Arrange for a medical expert to sign a “Certificate of Merit” to verify your claim

A skilled lawyer will guide you through this process, ensuring everything is properly handled.

Our Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorneys Can Help

At Peter Angelos Law, we’ve served Maryland since 1961, helping many clients in situations like yours. We value the relationship between attorneys and clients. We take the time to explain the details of your case and the strategy we’ll use to win. Call us today at 410-216-0009 or contact the firm online.