Dedicated To Delivering Accountability, Maximizing Compensation And Facilitating Your Recovery

Maryland Hazardous Waste Lawyer

Hazardous wastes are materials that are known to pose significant or potential threats to the environment and/or public health. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulates the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. This means that commercial enterprises that generate hazardous wastes or that handle and dispose of them are subjected to numerous federal laws and regulations. Failure to comply with these laws can create substantial dangers for local residents, businesses and the environment. Generally, the characteristics of hazardous wastes include:

  • Ignitability (flammable)
  • Corrosivity (strong acids or caustics)
  • Reactivity (explosive)
  • Toxicity

Hazardous wastes must be handled and disposed of using certain methods. Some hazardous wastes can be recycled into usable products, treated through chemical, biological or physical treatment to render them nonhazardous, incinerated or stored in specifically designed landfills. Throughout every step of the “life span” of hazardous waste – from generation to transportation to disposal – there are numerous requirements and laws that must be met.

We Have A Record Of Success In Environmental Litigation

Environmental litigation plays an essential part in the fight to preserve our communities, the environment and the health of our local residents. Large corporations are bound by the regulations and laws established in the RCRA, but it is often the case that they fail to abide by them. Our Maryland environmental litigation attorneys have stood up for the rights of local residents and have made it known that infringement upon public safety will not be tolerated.

At Peter Angelos Law, our team of Maryland personal injury lawyers represents local residents who have experienced personal injury, property damage and other types of adverse effects caused by hazardous waste. With a long legacy of litigation experience, our firm will seek to protect your rights, your safety and your financial well-being and hold even the most powerful corporate entities liable for environmental damage.

Contact A Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Organizations throughout Maryland and throughout the country place the handling of hazardous wastes as a top priority and conduct regular compliance checks frequently at facilities that use or handle these materials. As a result, at-fault parties can be held fully liable for any damages their failures to comply with regulations cause. At Peter Angelos Law, we aim to ensure that these laws are enforced and that the local residents we represent obtain compensation for their damages and the reassurance that hazardous wastes in their community will be addressed and properly disposed of.

We encourage all residents throughout the state of Maryland who may be interested in discussing a particular case to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced Maryland environmental litigation attorney. Find the information you need and the support you deserve at Peter Angelos Law.