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IVC Filters

Updates on IVC Filter Lawsuits

As of September of 2018, there were over 9,000 lawsuits filed against two major IVC filter manufacturers, and that number is projected to continue to grow. Here, the medical product liability attorneys at The Law Offices of Peter Angelos give an overview of IVC filter litigation, including the fifth Bard bellwether trial which began in February 2019. What are IVC…

Study Suggests IVC Filter Use Offers No Benefit to Trauma Patients

A Journal of the American Medical Association study released in September, 2016, suggests that IVC filters do not provide benefits to trauma patients. Physicians began using inferior vena cava (IVC) filters as an alternative preventative treatment for patients who could not take blood thinners. The devices are intended to temporarily to block dangerous blood clots—known as pulmonary embolisms—from reaching a…

IVC Filters Can Cause Dangerous Complications

IVC filters are inserted into the inferior vena cava vein—the largest in the human body—in order to prevent blood clots from moving to a patient’s vital organs. When implanted and maintained properly, both permanent and retrievable filters can reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism and stroke. The important difference between the two types of filters is that the retrievable filters…